Resources to live well with SMA

Neuromuscular clinics provide specialised care for neuromuscular
conditions, including SMA. Coordinated care through a
neurologist is recommended, and SMA clinics offer proactive care.

What does the NDIS fund?

The NDIS is designed to fund supports and services, including1:

  • Support for daily personal activities (e.g. feeding)
  • Transport to enable participation in activities
  • Workplace support to help people maintain or find employment
  • Therapeutic supports including behaviour support
  • Help with household tasks to allow the participant to maintain their home environment
  • Skilled personnel to provide aids or equipment assessment, set up and training
  • Home modification design and construction
  • Mobility equipment
  • Vehicle modifications
What does the NDIS fund?
What does the NDIS fund?
What does the NDIS fund?

1. NDIS. Supports funded by the NDIS. Accessed: April 2020.


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